Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Firefox

WARNING: This works for me, use at own risk!!!!!!

I upgrade my Xubuntu desktop overnight to get back onto a supported version, 22.04, and upon starting Firefox remembered the complaints about it being so slow due to it being a snap and squashfs.....

I can not be bothered waiting for Canonical to fix this so thought I'd jump across to Mozilla to grab the unsnapped version but could not be bothered using the tar.bz2 version.....

Instead I jumped across to Debian and grabbed the bookworm version of Firefox-ESR via https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/amd64/firefox-esr/download . To install this I first removed the snap, installed the deb and then changed the sym link.

# Remove snap
sudo snap remove firefox

# Install the deb
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/firefox.deb

# Remove the old symlink
sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox

# Add new symlink
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/firefox-esr /usr/bin/firefox

After this running firefox from a terminal or shortcut then starts the new firefox we have installed.

Installing from tar.bz2

If you would prefer to use the version straight from Mozilla then you can use the below.

# Remove snap
sudo snap remove firefox

# Download firefox latest linux 64bit ESR
wget -O firefox.tar.bz2 "https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-esr-latest&os=linux64&lang=en-GB"

# Extract to /opt
sudo tar -xjvf firefox.tar.bz2 -C /opt/

# Remove old symlink
sudo rm /usr/bin/firefox

# Create new symlink
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

WARNING: This works for me, use at own risk!!!!!!