Hey, I'm Tony an experienced IT engineer who has done everything from Service Desk to Windows & Linux Sys Admin, Networking, DBA & Security. I have also done some programming & scripting, mostly web stuff or automation tools to replace the soul crushing repetitive tasks.
Outside of IT I enjoy rock & metal music as well as Sci-Fi and Anime.
I did experiment with comments on the site but did not really like the system and moderation is a pain. In place of comments you can get in touch via twitter or discord.
Twitter: @apjone
Discord: Tony J#7796
TryHackMe: apjone
apjone on TryHackMe
Over the past year I have been spending most days completing Tasks and Rooms on TryHackMe. Over the 2020 winter lockdown I really went hard at it and into 2021 got into the top 50 of users on the platform.

That is where after a decade of trying I actually managed to start producing content frequently for this blog. The content is mostly in the form of write-up's for the TryHackMe rooms I complete.
I recently finally got around to doing some of the buffer overflow rooms which resulted with me completing the final path and get the last certificate I was missing on the platform.