Anthem ( tryhackme ) Write Up

About Quick write-up on the Anthem box [], not going to go into huge detail but should be enough for people to be able to complete it. Link: This is my first write up, any comments or questions are welcome. Thoughs…

Called It

Thought I would just put this here as a reminder. > conspiracy theory time: 24th march the UK will be put in to an enforced quarantine as a way to combat #coronavirusuk []. In reality this quarantine is enforced…

Creating Presentations with Open Source

Recently I have been creating some training material for workshops I am running in work and thought I would list out the software I use in case it is useful for anyone. * Screen Capture : * Downloading of Youtube Video: * Coverting Youtube…

State of Cyber Security

Just saw this episode of The Simpsons again and thought it was perfect to show the state of Cyber Security..... Companies spend hundreds of thousands of £'s per year on fancy blinking boxes but do not do the basic hygiene stuff....... Open Doors or RDP/SMB exposed to the…

USB Serial Monitor

From time to time I need to connect over a USB2Serial adapter to switches/routers. This can be a pain when connecting to multiple devices as I need to check dmeg or /dev each time to see which /dev/ttyUSBx device I just connected, have hit ttyUSB4 before now. Did…

NGINX SSL - Score an A+

Having just setup this blog I though I would cover the SSL setup with NGINX. Chrome, Firefox and other browsers are now marking plain text HTTP sites as "insecure" so having SSL enabled on a site is becoming important, tie this together with LetsEncrypt free SSL and it…

N64 USB Controller Mupen64plus mapping

I will be covering this in more detail in a future post but if you have a USB N64 controller like QUMOX 2X N64 games classic gamepad controllers nintendo 64 for USB PC MAC [] you will need to edit the mupen64plus.cfg ( under ~/.config/mupen64plus…

Hello World

Hello World, welcome to my new site using Ghost []. Here you will find my ramblings about games and tech as well as other topics that I want to vent about. You can also find me on Twitter @apjone [] Tweets by apjone [https://twitter.…